Not that any sane person would have really wanted to go out sailing this week. The view from the cabin was distinctly grey and wet as a series of F8-11 gales blew through.

Nicky completed an RYA Radar course; a day spent in the classroom followed by a day at sea putting it all into practice with a few exercises. I'm not sure that she learned much new on what we had taught ourselves from reading the books but technically if you have a radar fitted to your yacht you should have received formal training on how to use it.
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Battery temperature sensor |
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Running-backstay block protectors |

We were also visited by the guys who made our bimini. We have asked them to make up a series of removable panels which connecting the bimini sunscreen to the sprayhood. This should allow us to relax in the sheltered cockpit and watch the world go by even if it is raining or particularly cold. We're hoping it will prove to be a nice quality of life improver when we move onboard full time. It should also provide us with loads of extra space to dry things like oilskins after a wet passage without bringing all of that moisture into the cabin area. It was very exciting to see how far they had got and to see how they had made up templates from white material for the more complex panels to make sure that the final ones are an exact fit. It looks good so far and might even be finished by next week.

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The spares locker |
It was an extremely productive week but not everything went according to plan. We knew that the starboard foot block for the genoa sheet needed some serious attention as it had been getting very stiff with the block now only turning when it is under load. I'd taken a brief look at it a couple of years ago but the components would not come apart and I didn't have the time to try to fix it without compromising sailing adventures.
Theoretically the spindle should slide out easily when the securing screw has been removed. The reality, after 12 years of exposure to the sea environment, is an immovable pin. We have managed to track down two replacement footblocks (not easy as they are now a discontinued model) but getting the whole unit off will be a major achievement. The block is very securely attached to the deck and, whilst the two aft bolts come out, the U-bolt at the front will not budge. A real headache.
Taking this 'headache' in stages we have started to drill out the central pin. It's 10mm in diameter and about 4 cm long so it will take some time to do, but if that works we may be able to use the existing housing attached to the deck but with the new moving parts. Whether we do just that or move onto removing the whole thing we don't know yet. It's certainly going to keep us entertained over the next few weeks. We did take the opportunity to replace the genoa cars as they are likely to get a hammering over the next few years and we found some nice ones with side rollers when we were searching for the new footblocks. I think they have become my early Chrsitmas present.
Phew, after all that work it was time to go home and carry on with painting the passarelle and the shelf for the aft lazarette.