Saturday 15 June 2013

A Day of ‘Fives’

We decided that an admin day was needed. I would do some work on the blog as well as some routine checks on the engine and stopcocks, plus also lubricating the toilet flush pumps (you’ll be pleased to know that there are no photographs of that exciting little chore!). Meanwhile Nicky would cycle off to the government office to which we have been directed to try to sort out the navigation permit to visit the Islas Cíes.

Including the original application e-mails sent from the UK and those since we have re-applied at Portosín, Nicky has sent 5 e-mails to the government office e-mail addresses on the Islas Cíes website. Strangely none of them seem to have been received. Everyone we have spoken to has been both polite and helpful and also totally convinced that the applications we have made should have worked. It was most strange that we had not heard anything.

Nicky quickly discovered that the government office she had been directed to was the wrong one. Criss-crossing Vigo she visited 5 different government offices, cycling a total of 5 miles before eventually finding the right place. There, sat on the desk, was a file with our application form which we had filled out whilst we were at Portosín. The original permission to navigate form had been issued on 27 May and apparently sent to our home address in the UK. They had also tried to send us a copy by e-mail but there was a small typing error in the address they used which is why we never received it. Fortunately they were very happy to issue Nicky with a copy of the form and, even more fortunately for her, it didn’t take 5 hours to get it! The 5 e-mails she sent, it seems, are still lost in the ether, but the important thing is that we can now legally visit the national park islands.

Replacing teak plugs in the cockpit
In comparison, my day was far less energetic. As Nicky was away for longer than expected, not only did I tick of the planned list of jobs, but I also got around to replacing some teak plugs. These neatly cover up the screws which secure the teak decking on the seats and sole in the cockpit. They look good but some are quite thin so eventually a little water can get behind a few of them and they start to break up. The dry weather was perfect for raking them out and gluing in new ones. I left the new plugs slightly proud and will sand them smooth when the waterproof glue has fully dried. Not a taxing job; just 5 needed some attention!

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