Thursday 17 September 2015


When I came to add in the photos I discovered that I hadn’t taken any in Bozburun this time around; oops! The sharp eyed will notice that the photos her are from our brief stop off in Bozburun earlier in the month. Alex's video of the fish, however, was taken whilst we were here. 
Kizil Adasi passage    
To mix up the nights at anchor with some in port we planned to move from Sailor's Paradise to Bozburun on 16 September. It would be a short passage of 5 miles west and then, having rounded to headland, 5 miles east. With not a breath of wind to speak of we left the sail cover on and motored our way around. One advantage of having no wind was that we could take the short cut through the Kizil Adasi passage just to the south of Bozburun. We got there at around midday and decided that it was just too early to move the last couple of miles into Bozburun and so we looked for a suitable place to anchor.
Kizil Adasi passage    
Alex and Lucy loved the turquoise water through the passage and maintained a rock watch for us, although actually we still had the line on the plotter showing our route out on 3 September so we followed that knowing there would be enough depth of water for us. Once safely through the shallowest part we eased right and anchored, running a line ashore onto the island of Kizil Adasi.

It looked lovely and so we all went for a swim but nothing prepared us for the number of fish we saw. Just along the shoreline there was a huge shoal of small fish each around 15cm long and we were able to swim amongst them. They seemed completely unperturbed about our being there, with the shoal parting slightly to let us past. Alex had his underwater camera with him and so we will hopefully have some good shots to put onto the blog when we get back home.

Reluctantly, after a lazy lunchtime we pulled up the anchor and made our way into Bozburun harbour. It is just as well that we did because when we arrived there was lots of space but that filled up very quickly with charter yachts. One yacht we did recognise from the Cruising Association dinner was Julia Two. We went to help them with their lines but the flotilla leader shooed them away to keep space for his mini fleet. Very politely they moved across to the other side of the harbour taking one of the last places there but not before we had invited them over for drinks.

Nicky played around with some vodka, fruit juices and limonata creating a new cocktail which we have named 'Bozburun Sunset'. Michael and Julia were external quality control and judged it to be a good brew.

Bozburun was a nice place for Alex and Lucy to wander around. It's not particularly large but there is the continual hustle and bustle of gulets and yachts arriving to check into Turkey. There are also more supermarkets here than you would expect for the size of the town because of this yacht traffic. Many of the larger yachts stay anchored off and so there is also a steady stream of RiBs coming in from them and returning full to the gunwales with victuals. Whilst Alex and Lucy explored and took in a little of the cafe scene we sorted out a quick turn around on the laundry and then made sure that BV had all of  the supplies we'd need for the next few days.
Bozburun, Turkey

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